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My background is varied professional experience in the translation industry. Originally from Latvia, I have also lived in Estonia and elsewhere in Europe for several years and accordingly I speak Latvian, English, Russian, conversational Estonian and some German and French.

On Wikipedia, I have contributed mostly to Latvian Wikipedia where I used to be an admin from 2005 until 2012 when gave up my role voluntarily and relinquished the admin rights. See also my accounts on Meta and English Wiktionary.

My bookmarks


Here are some articles I have found in Wikipedia. I used to add them to my watchlist but it has grown just too much to be able to follow and differentiate between the stuff that really needs following and simply great articles that most possibly are already watched by knowledgeable Wikipedians.

Some of these articles simply crave for attention, others are a great read, and for some of them I have no idea why I've listed them. :)

This list is not necessarily alphabetised or otherwise prioritised but it should be. Or maybe it is. Nor this list should be regarded as an accurate reflection of my world view or interests. This is merely a fraction of it. Or maybe it isn't related to me at all.

I really hope this doesn't end up being similar in size to Special:Allpages...

Movies Books Language Music Web
History Leisure Urban stuff Misc. No bookmark, just stress
Laid back

Other stuff

A whole garden strawberry
A halved garden strawberry
The strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) is a widely grown hybrid plant cultivated worldwide for its fruit. The genus Fragaria is in the rose family, Rosaceae. Strawberries are appreciated for their aroma, bright red colour, juicy texture, and sweetness. They are eaten either fresh or in prepared foods such as jam, ice cream, and chocolates. Artificial strawberry flavourings and aromas are widely used in commercial products. Botanically, the strawberry is not a berry, but an example of an aggregate fruit and an accessory fruit. Each apparent "seed" on the outside of a strawberry is actually an achene, a botanical fruit with a seed inside it. The garden strawberry was first bred in Brittany, France, in the 1750s via a cross of F. virginiana, from eastern North America, and F. chiloensis, which was brought from Chile by Amédée-François Frézier in 1714. Cultivars of F. × ananassa have replaced the woodland strawberry F. vesca in commercial production. In 2023, world production of strawberries exceeded ten million tons, led by China, with 40 percent of the total. These focus-stacked photographs show two garden strawberries, one whole and one halved, that were grown in Spain.Photograph credit: Ivar Leidus